It's Day 3 of your Veg Pledge, and by now we
hope you're starting to feel that, yes, you can make the change to a
veg diet. If not, don't worry. Hang in there. Be persistent. Change
doesn't always come overnight.
Remember, we are always here to help! If you have
any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at or
858-202-0147 and we'll do our best to get you the answers you need.
If you're in the San Diego area, you can come out to our events to meet
fellow participants. If not, there are plenty of ways to interact with
people like you! Try searching for vegetarian groups in your area on, attend a
meeting, and find a support network!

Are you detoxing? Now that you have been animal-free for a few days,
you may be feelings great. Many people say they feel better right away
when they move to a plant-based diet. You may be enjoying more energy,
less depression, vanishing headaches, or an end to that nagging sinus
infection or allergy you just couldn't shake.
On the other hand, you may be part of the group of
people going through a period of detox or withdrawal when you first
start eating better. In this case, you feel a bit like you have the
flu. Why this ironic, although very temporary, outcome?
- You are detoxing as you lose weight. The toxic
chemicals in food (most originally from animal foods) are stored in
your body fat and are released as fat shrinks. Your liver has to get
rid of them.
- You are withdrawing from addictive animal or
processed foods. Dairy, especially, produces opioid type chemicals as
it metabolizes in your body.
You can solve both these issues the same way: by
remaining on a whole foods, plant-based diet. Your body will adjust.
Soon you will be feeling better than you have in years.
Be aware that you may also need to change the dose
of or even stop taking current prescription or nonprescription drugs as
your body starts working better. If you are on insulin, you will likely
need to reduce your dose. Do not try to change the dose of
any medication yourself. Work with your doctor to get things
right as your health soars. Soon you will be feeling like time is
running in reverse.


Understand why
you're changing
Change isn't always easy, but clearly
understanding the reason(s) you want to change helps. With well-defined
goals and objectives, the extra effort you put into changing your diet
and lifestyle won't seem so difficult.
Your reasons to change can range from concerns about the environment,
about how animals raised for slaughter are treated, or the desire to
lead a longer, happier, disease-free life.
Define your own reasons to ensure your success!

Black Bean Burgers (serves 5)
Pantry-friendly and prepared in less than
30 minutes, this earthy and satisfying bean burger is full of flavor
and health-promoting ingredients; enjoy on whole grain bread with
lettuce, tomato and onion, or served plain topped with salsa and a side
salad, this burger is quick and delicious for any meal.
Special thanks to Veg-Appeal for this recipe
• 2 (14 oz) cans black beans, rinsed & drained, divided
• 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
• 2 tsp ground cumin
• 1 tsp dried oregano
• 1 tsp dried cilantro
• 1/4 tsp cayenne
• 1 tbsp blackstrap molasses
• Optional: 1 tbsp canola oil, if not using a non-stick pan
1. Drain and rinse one can beans and pour into food processor. Add
chopped walnuts, cumin, oregano, cilantro, cayenne & molasses.
Pulse the mixture until it has the appearance of coarsely-ground meal. Do
not over process into a paste-like mixture.
2. Place the mixture into a bowl and add the second can of beans that
has been drained and rinsed and blend the mixture with a spoon or by
hand until all is blended together.
3. Use a half-cup measuring cup to scoop out 1/2 cup portions to form
five burgers.
4. To avoid excess fat, cook burgers on a non-stick grill, 8-10 minutes
per side. If frying, heat oil in a 12-in skillet over medium heat until
it shimmers. Cook burgers until outsides are crisp and lightly browned,
turning once, about 4-5 minutes on each side. Be gentle in turning the
burgers as they soften when they heat up.
5. Gently place burgers on plate to cool down before serving; they will
firm up after cooling.
Teriyaki Tofu (serves 4-6)
• 1-2 blocks of firm tofu (16 oz total)
• 1/4 cup tamari soy sauce
• 3 tbsp rice vinegar
• 3 tbsp maple syrup
• 1/2 cup orange juice
• 1 tsp fresh ginger
• 2 cloves garlic, minced or crushed
• 1/4 tsp dry mustard
• 2 tsp grated orange peel
1. Cut tofu into large bite-sized squares and place in bowl.
2. Blend remaining ingredients. Pour over tofu. If time allows,
marinate for one hour or longer.
3. Remove tofu from marinade and place in small casserole dish along
with 1/2 cup marinade.
4. Bake uncovered in preheated 375°F oven for one hour, gently stirring
and basting with marinade every 20 minutes.
5. Garnish with chopped parsley or fresh coriander.
6. Serve with rice and salad. More Recipe Ideas
Ready to try really healthy fats? These two recipes make a great
See What to Eat for more recipes as
well as shopping tips and restaurant guides.

Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and
Heal the World by John Robbins (ISBN: 1573247022)
La Dolce Vegan! Vegan Livin' Made
Easy: by Sarah Kramer (ISBN: 0740763741)
Veg Week Event
Lecture with Janice Stanger, Ph.D.
- Wednesday, October 3, 7:00pm at Evolution Fast Food, 2965 5th Ave.,
Come watch as renowned nutritionist Janice Stanger, Ph.D.
(Veg Week nutritional advice columnist!) reveals the secret to
health and permanent weight loss – whole foods!
The author of The Perfect Formula Diet: How to Lose Weight
and Get Healthy Now, Dr. Stanger will explain how a eating a
simple plant-based diet can leave you full and healthy without
sacrificing your wallet or your waistline.

you know?
The combined weight of the world's 55 billion farm animals now
surpasses the weight of the human population by over one and a half
times. These animals have a huge appetite for feed crops and grazing
land. Learn more.

for detailed information on all aspects of a veg diet. The site
features nutrition info, recipes, tips, FAQs, and much more. You can
also email us at

of the Day: Elliot

tag in his ear read, “MEAT.” Inserted before he was shipped from
Pennsylvania into New York, it allowed the little goat to cross state
lines without undergoing the usual tests: His stay would be brief; he
was shortly to be killed.
But his label would not be his
destiny. The 1-year-old goat was transported to a Brooklyn “live
market,” – one of many facilities in New York and elsewhere, where
customers select live animals to be slaughtered onsite – but he
escaped. More...

Orange Teriyaki Tofu
Photo from
Toronto Vegetarian Society

Veg Week is a
project of the Animal Protection and Rescue League (APRL).
Visit us at
or call 858-202-0147 for information.